It's been a full holiday season with lots of traveling, visitors, more traveling, and even a bit of relaxation. But now we've come to that place where we need to shift gears and get ready to step into the next phase of this great adventure that we're on.
Over the next few days our team will be focusing on seeking the Lord and asking Him to lead us regarding the direction of ministry in the coming months.
-Please pray for each of us individually as we meet with the Lord: Emily, Bryon, Amber, Claudia, and Sam.
-Pray that we will each be reawakened to our desperate need for His leading, His wisdom, and His strength.
-Pray that we will start the year refreshed in our walks with the Lord.
-Please pray also for our protection as we begin pressing more deeply into our relationships with Jesus--we certainly have an enemy who would like nothing more than to thwart our attempts call on the Lord. (Many of us have recently been laid low with extreme fatigue, physical weakness, or headaches).
Lately I've been growing in my awareness of the futility of actions I take and decisions I make in my own strength and wisdom. I am realizing to a new extent the enormity of my need for Jesus and it drives me to my knees in desperation and dependence.
Please pray that I stay in this place as Bryon and I lead our team into the next chapter of the story that God is writing here in Merida.