Monday, July 31, 2006

Who put that rocket booster on my calendar?

It's amazing, really, how fast my time in the states has flown (and continues to fly) by at warp speed. There are 2 weeks left for me here at my parent's house in Kansas. In just under a month we will step off a plane onto that familiar Merida tarmac where we will, hopefully, find ourselves welcomed by a handful of familiar, dearly loved, and deeply missed faces of ULA students!
Until that time, it appears that the Lord has much to teach me in the areas of trusting Him for all of my needs, stepping out in obedience to Him and in the power of the Holy Spirit, and how to listen for His voice as I press into Him for wisdom and insight in leading our team.
Too, I am learning daily just how grateful I am to share this responsibility of leadership with my co-leader, Bryon. I'm grateful to see how well we work together and pray that will carry into how we are able to care for our team and lead them in Loving Jesus and trusting Him for the impossible in this ministry He's given to us. And I'm grateful to know that ultimately, Jesus is the One who is leading our team and leading His ministry at the University of the Andes.
There is so much for me yet to learn and I know that when it comes time for us to leave Venezuela a year from now, I will be able to look back and see an entirely different person; one who has been transformed by His refining fire of challenges, successes, and dependence on Him.


Matt Mikalatos said...

Hooray! A new blog. It's like a new car, only cheaper.

Bryon and Sam Scharenberg said...

glorioso. i'm honored to ride sidecar with you... i like it when you show your true colors, like this blog