Friday, September 22, 2006

The Apartment Situation

(Thanks, Taylor, for the reminder). Yesterday we gave our lawyer, Rosanna, the green light to renew the contracts on the 2 apartments that we had last year. We prayed about it a lot and really feel at peace with the decision to stick it out in this complex for the next year. The landlord of the apartment that Bryon and Sam live in has agreed to some badly needed repairs, which should make their place a better home. Another factor in the decision was the difficulty in finding apartments for rent in this town (let alone in the complex you want to live in, and it's a toss-up as to the condition of any apartment we might happen to find). Also, with classes and full-time ministry on-campus starting on Monday, we were very reluctant to commit to a time-consuming apartment search and move. We're praising the Lord for His provision and excited to be able to pour all of our efforts into working with students and leading the ministry.

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